The body changes

The body changes

The body changes

The body changes

You may not notice any changes on the first day of fertilization since it has just started.

Changes in the baby

On the first day, the egg and sperm nuclei fuse to form a structure called the zygote. There is mixing of genetic material and within 12hours, the zygote creates a copy of it self. At this point the sex of the baby is determined. The are two sex chromosomes ( genetic material is carried in the chromosomes) X and Y. Females carry both X chromosomes and males carry the X and Y chromosomes. In preparation for fertilization, the egg losses one of the X pair while the sperm may carry either the X or the Y. So during the fusion, either XX or XY end up producing a girl (xx) or a boy (XY). There is no clear evidence that timing the time of fertilization can determine the sex of the baby.


Congratulations! Now that you are pregnant, you have about 40 weeks ahead of you. Your life, body changes, needs, feelings and above all your baby will require special attention and care. A few things are of paramount importance to you and your baby during this period. Now that you have decided to have this baby, you will need to observe the following:

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests the following exercise guidelines for pregnancy:

  1. Make sure that your heart rate does not exceed 140 beats per minute.
  2. Never engage in strenuous activities for more than 1530 minutes. Before you do any exercise sessions, have at least five minutes of warm-up and follow it with a gradual cool-down period.
  3. Do not over heat your baby. Your inner body temperature should not exceed 38°C, or 101°F. Make sure that you guard against increasing your internal body temperature when exercising. Avoid getting too hot, work out less strenuously and for shorter periods than usual, and exercise in cool weather. And never exercise when you have a fever.
  4. Never exercise while lying flat on your back after the fourth month.
  5. Have regular exercise at least three times per week. See exercise program.
  6. Avoid jerky and bouncy movements. There is an increased laxity of your joints during pregnancy.
  7. Drink plenty of liquids before and after exercise to prevent dehydration.
  8. Make sure you wash your hands before and after handling foods. Thoroughly wash your vegetables before cooking or eating them.

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