Valentines Day: A complete woman’s guide

Valentines Day: A complete woman’s guide

Valentines Day: A complete woman’s guide

Imagine yourself in a movie. You wake up the following day, shower or just before that, stare at the figure in front of you on the mirror and …..oops! You see the best booby, the best behind and the cutest faces you ever saw.

Put that cucumber down- we’ll have plenty of time to play later. You’ll soon stop thinking like a man and learn to think like woman.

In the living room, you press on the messages and a number of them are waiting for you. «Hey gal, its mike from Club Dimples, we met yesterday? I thought…eerrrr…we could meet, if that’s ok with you. If you are ready, this is my number. Please call back. Then comes the next one: Hi cute little thing, its Jack. What’s up sugar? You were so moody last night. I couldn’t see you. Will you call me back?

Let’s fast forward to the mall, where you spend a fortune on facials, cosmetics and clothing. You had your nails done, pedicure, and massage…its party time. You start choosing what to wear….»But wait, don’t I look fat….» crying. «No, sweetie, your hips are good, your friend responds. You get weird thoughts about yourself. It’s an emergency here. Just few days to go to Val’s day, you need a complete facial and body makeover. Everybody is in it and you can’t be left behind.

Welcome back to earth. I hope I made you think of this day deeply. No more movies. In this planet, we have men. These are a certain species of beings with minds, and eyes, eyes that are predatory. And they make a kill out of them. Men are visual human beings. They look at facts and digest them instantly. Well they look at women and that’s it. A man has few things that are still carries on from childhood to adulthood.

From the time when mother’s breasts were all the beauty the world could offer, both sexes have had feelings of enlarged, enhanced life from seeing a gloriously naked woman. The male body holds no such primitive magic. It is one of the dissymmetries of our biological life.

In matters of love, you must understand that men are emotionally much more sensitive than women. Thus, it is much more humane to be firm and break a man’s heart early than to let him get his hopes up only to waste away in anguish or vindictiveness.

Women control intimacy. His is a powerful tool, and the extraordinary emotional power they have over men needs some form of responsibility to steer men in the right direction.

The game of love is a lot more complicated than sex. Do men only want one thing- – sex? No. If it were true that men only wanted one thing, then all men would be visiting brothels for this. Do all women want one thing– sex? If that were true then all women would be visiting gigolos. Men and women are two completely different creatures that must come together in a relationship.

Valentine’s Day is here and this is your chance to spice up the relationship

Love and romance

Think about the following things; «What about the two of you? What about your future? Where are you going?» It may not be for Valentines Day alone but from now on, a few tips could help you send him messages of your intentions. These include;

  • Your visit to his crib. While visiting him, leave your personal effects in his home. This is a clear territory demarcation. Other females will get the message too. By the way, even animals do this. Without territorial markings, you have no chance. Other will do it. Even if it means leaving your scarf in his car, send the message.
  • Your mother is your attorney. Quite interesting, the experienced lover has some lectures to give.
  • Have you met his family? You won’t get noticed. Probably Mike has another one at upcountry. Just check.
  • Gifts, gifts, gifts. Even lingerie for him.
  • Give him an ultimatum. You are not cheap to be used up. Let him prove your worthiness. On this day, you could play cat and mouse till the proves you worth.
  • Give him a complete home make over. Rearrange his kitchen, bedroom. After all one day it will be yours, you may do this just be for the main event.
  • Arrive unannounced at his home, with groceries, etc. But be careful this may sound that you are sneaking in on him. Some guys just don’t like it, and it may mean you raise your antenna.
  • When introducing yourself to others, your boss, your friends, church mates, mention these words; wife, mistress, or fiancée, it’s the weapon at your disposal.
  • Drive his car, but don’t crash it. It could crash your romance too. Men and toys are one thing.
  • Surprise him with midweek luncheon dates and come with two or three of your secretarial friends and/or your mother.
  • Clean up his house. You have the freedom to remove all unwanted magazines, his other women’s stuff,… and tell him

Continue reading Valentines Day time: A complete woman’s guide.

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