
Diagnosing and screening breast cancer

Diagnosing and screening breast cancer

What breast cancer may resemble These non cancerous conditions may resemble breast cancer because of the presentation and on mammography examination Fibrocystic changes of the breasts Fibroadenoma Hamartoma What test are done to diagnose breast cancer The healthcare provider will perform a series of tests including taking a detailed history and physical examination from the […]

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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Definition Breast cancer is an invasive cancer of the breast affecting both men and women. The local cells of the breast grow abnormally and uncontrollable increase in size and spread to other area s of the body. Other names Carcinoma of the breast What causes breast cancer? Various causes of breast cancer have been explained,

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Lung cancer

Lung cancer

Definition This is primary lung malignancy that arises from the lung tissue. There are several types of primary cancer of the lung including squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. Here are some of the listed types Adenocarcinomas: These types of cancers are common in North America and Japan. They tend

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Tooth discoloration; what causes it

Tooth discoloration; what causes it

Tooth discoloration is the change in color from the normal white enamel to the darkening or brownish discoloration. Persistent tooth discoloration can also occur as a result of the gradual thinning of the enamel layer of the tooth. This thinning allows for more yellow -brown dentin formation underneath becoming visible. This is called amelogenesis imperfecta

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