Safety at home; does your house meet the standards?

Safety at home; does your house meet the standards?

The house one lives in entails his environment .It has an important influence on health. A standard house should have the following: Be structurally stable. Free from dampness. Have a sink with satisfactory supply of hot and cold water. Have a toilet available for exclusive use of occupants in the house. Satisfactory provision of heating,

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Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer

Introduction Cervical cancer is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells and tissue within the cervix (the neck of the uterus). The uterus is the womb where babies are grown. There is then an abnormal growth of cells presenting with hypertrophy (increase of cell size), hyperplasia (the increase of the numbers of cervical cells), anaplasia (formation of atypical

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Diagnosing and screening breast cancer

Diagnosing and screening breast cancer

What breast cancer may resemble These non cancerous conditions may resemble breast cancer because of the presentation and on mammography examination Fibrocystic changes of the breasts Fibroadenoma Hamartoma What test are done to diagnose breast cancer The healthcare provider will perform a series of tests including taking a detailed history and physical examination from the

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