Intrauterine devices (IUD)

Intrauterine devices (IUD)

Intrauterine devices (IUD)

What is IUCD?

IUCD is an acronym for intrauterine contraceptive device. Intrauterine products (IUD) have been in use since early 60s but due to side effects of septic abortions and infections, they were withdrawn and only one type of Intrauterine devices (IUD) was in use by 1988. Today, IUDs continue to be the most popular reversible method of contraception and currently the choice of more than 1000 million women worldwide

What types of IUCDs are available?

There are many types like the:

  1. The 380 mm2 copper T intrauterine gadget (TCu380A, marketed as ParaGard)
  2. Levonorgestrel intrauterine program (LNG-IUS, sold as Mirena

How will an IUCD work?

Evidence suggests that IUCD impacts events before egg implantation and fertilization to allow a pregnancy. Listed below are mechanisms of the way the IUCD or IUD works. Once implanted by the gynecologist, the IUD prevents uterine pregnancy by

  • The copper TCu380A and the LNG-IUS action by stopping sperm from fertilizing ova
  • The TCu380A causes increases in white bloodstream cells, enzymes, and prostaglandins in the uterine liquids that impair sperm function and implantation also.
  • Copper IUD gets the copper ions that decrease sperm viability and motility, thus sperm reach the fallopian tubes rarely
  • Copper helps to inhibit the implantation of the fertilized egg.
  • Copper T IUD also impair egg development
  • The LNG-IUS inhibits fertilization by thickening cervical mucus preventing sperm entry and movement towards the egg
  • The LNG-IUS also causes changes in the uterus and the tubes fluid that impair sperm migration
    Other modes of IUD function include
  • Causing the uterus lining to swell there by preventing a fertilized egg from attaching itself to the uterus.
  • The swelling also allows the egg to move more quickly through the fallopian tube so that it may not become mature enough to be fertilized by sperm.

How to use an IUCD

If you choose to use an IUCD, you will need to see a gynecologist who will perform a medical examination and necessary tests before the insertion. The tests performed include tests for infections such as UTI and a check for pregnancy. The following are recommended:

  • The doctor or nurse has to insert an IUCD.
  • This is best done during your period or 6 weeks after delivery of your baby

How its is inserted

  • The gynecologist will perform a pelvic examination while you lie in lithotomy position (a position which the person lies on his or her back with the legs flexed and the thighs against the abdomen)
  • The examination is done to determine the size, shape, and position of the uterus and to exclude pelvic infection.
  • While in that position the doctor or nurse will then insert a vaginal speculum (instrument) into your vagina so that she or he can see your cervix and wash it with an antiseptic solution.
  • The doctor will then choose and insert an IUCD into your uterus. You may feel uncomfortable while that is done.
  • In instances of prolonged pain, the physician might prescribe an analgesic to help ease the pain
  • The doctor will leave the two plastic material threads or strings that hang down through the cervix in to the vagina. The threads are extremely thin, do not hang outside the physical body and you might not feel them during intercourse.
  • routine visits aren’t mandatory Further, although a 1-month check-up to ensure the IUD is in place may be appropriate
  • Heavy menstrual movement, intermittent bleeding, or spotting might occur with the TCu380A but less movement and possible amenorrhea may occur with the LNG-IUS
  • As with all types of contraception, it is recommended that users who take part in risky sex also make use of a condom.
  • Women utilizing a TCu380A should get a pregnancy test if they miss a period.

How long can the IUCD stay in the body?

  • An IUCD can be left in the uterus for up to two years or longer.
  • You will need to see your gynecologist to have the progestin-releasing IUCD to be replaced once a year.
  • The Drug and Food Administration recommends that the IUCD be removed if a woman becomes pregnant.
  • The IUD ought to be eliminated in postmenopausal women.

Who is qualified to receive IUCD?

  • Anyone who has had many pregnancies or deliveries and so are at a minimal risk for sexually transmitted attacks (STIs) and who would like long-term reversible contraception.
  • Nulliparous ladies who are at a minimal risk for STIs
  • When other ways of contraception possess failed or the girl is at threat of problems with other methods
  • Ladies who are aged 35 years with risk elements for cardiovascular disease, such as for example smoking, weight problems, diabetes, or thromboembolism.
  • after a first-trimester spontaneous or induced abortion Instantly.
  • Women on medicines that influence liver enzymes such as for example treatment for TB with rifampicin, treatment for fungal attacks with griseofulvin, epileptics who are on treatment with phenytoin, barbiturates or carbamazepine.

Continue Reading Who qualifies to really have the TCu380A IUD?

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