Why babies wake you up at night

Why babies wake you up at night

Why babies wake you up at night

Babies don’t think like you. They don’t have a plan and their biological clock is still underdeveloped, definitely not fit for you to maintain your normal daily routines. In fact babies’ sole programs on some days are designed to keep you awake as some may thinks.

After Bob and Nancy had their first child, they send a shout out to all the friends declaring their joy. One of the commonest responses that tagged their congratulatory messages was, ‘be ready to be on night shift’.
So what causes babies to cry especially at odd hours?

These are some of the causes:

  1. Hunger. When that brand new bundle of joy is hungry, it has only one way of communication, cry. They don’t talk, they don’t gesture out what they want, and they don’t tell you when to feed them. The point is study the times they need to feed.
  2. Thirst. Remember hunger and thirst goes hand in hand.
  3. Unusual temperatures. Keeping them in hot environs or not covering them brings out the cries, in them.
  4. Dirty diaper. The babies’ anal sphincters are not yet developed to have voluntary control. They will soil the clothing or nappies at any time, and when this wetness persists, they cry out for help.
  5. Boredom. You have one little individual who hates boredom. Keep him/her entertained when awake at all times. Or else.
  6. Pain. Colicky pains, tight fitting clothing, fever or anything that causes pain will bring out the cry.
  7. Fear. AS they grow up and start understanding the environments, they develop trust in the parents or caregivers. At certain ages, neighbors or strangers that are of course unknown to them will make then to cry out of fear.
  8. Overstimulation. Exposure to loud noises, music, sudden loud bangs or anything that stimulates them will elicit cries.

How to manage baby cries

There are several ways or things you can do to manage the baby cries. Here are some of the suggestions;

  • When the baby is hungry, try feeding them immediately if you have not fed for 2–3 hours depending on her age and size. If they have just taken up the last bottle. Give cooled boiled water, especially if the weather is hot
  • Always check the wetness of the diapers. Change them promptly as this also prevents diaper rash that is common with wetness with urine.
  • Check for fever and control it with tepid sponging. To know how to do this, check the back of her neck if it feels hot or damp. She may have a fever or the room might be too hot. You may first take off a layer or two of her clothing.
  • Keep the baby warm at all times but do not over dress as this may be uncomfortable. Check for this by feeling the coldness of the feet or hands.
  • When they cry, try holding them or talking to them. You may change the position e.g. by keeping them in the knee chest position or holding them against your chest. The warmth of your skin makes them feel nice and loved. Please don’t smell sweat. Some may sneeze due to it.
  • You may move her to a place where she can see what is going on and can watch you working. This is interesting to them and such distraction moves their thoughts away from whatever was making them uncomfortable.
    Know the signs of colic and how to manage them.
  • Baby crying can be triggered by a loud noise, a strange adult, or even an object or toys falling out of reach. Provide her comfort with a hug and some words of reassurance. Lullabies come in handy at this time. Babies love music. Remember, providing entertainment is the key.
  • Baby massage is important and helps to calm them. Sometimes giving a good bath while proving the massage helps out.
  • Above all, find sleep for yourself. When the baby sleeps, do it at the same time. You need that sleep and rest too.

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